Warm Bamboo Massage

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Warm Bamboo Massage is an innovative way to provide Swedish or deep tissue massage using heated bamboo to roll and knead the tissue to create an extreme sensation of relaxation. Bamboo massage is also used as a powerful preventive therapy against modern-day stress and to aid relief from many physical and emotional problems.

Techniques used in Bamboo Massage

A bamboo massage is typically done with a solid compressed bamboo cane of different lengths and diameters. The canes are used as a tool in all modalities of massage. The bamboo cane replaces the hand of the therapist. It is able to give a deeper, firmer massage. The cane is held by the therapist and rolled over the muscle with the same strokes they would use with their hands. The massage ensures circulation, sensory nerve perception and provides a deep sense of relaxation and serenity. Stimulation of the tissue by the bamboo stick helps in getting relief by dissipating the heat that results from an accumulation of toxins and poor circulation. The muscle is then kneaded, which assists in the release of tension and easing of knots.

Benefits of Warm Bamboo Massage

  • Relieves pain and tension created by strained and contracted muscle
  • Increases circulation
  • Flushes body of metabolic wastes (i.e. lactic acid) for faster healing time and detoxification
  • Decreases muscle spasms and pain
  • Breaks up tissue adhesions
  • Releases endorphins to promote relaxation
  • Increases flexibility in joints, aiding in easier mobility and movement
  • Reduces chronic stress and tension
  • It increases lymphatic drainage and helps remove toxins from the body
  • It increases mental clarity
  • Improves the quality of sleep
  • It rejuvenates the skin

The silica from bamboo extract helps your body absorb essential minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. It also offers anti-irritant properties that soothe your skin when applied directly through oil. Silica plays a great role in keeping your skin and hair healthy. Bamboo extract contains antioxidants that help minimize wrinkles.

Known for its healing properties, this massage works at all levels to balance, calm and energize you physically and mentally. If you’re looking for a rejuvenating massage treatment, there’s nothing better than the Warm Bamboo Massage.

This treatment especially works well for runners and cyclists experiencing tightness in their legs, feet and IT band. It is also of great benefit to anyone suffering from shortened muscles due to postural imbalances.

Warm Bamboo Massage Practitioners