

Acupuncture originated in China, where it still features in mainstream healthcare, both as a stand-alone therapy and in combination with conventional Western medicine. Acupuncture is now widely used and accepted all over the world.

Acupuncture is based on the understanding that the body is linked by energy pathways called ‘meridians’. It may help maintain your body’s equilibrium and regulate the flow of “qi” – natural vitality. For a number of lifestyle and environmental reasons, qi can become disturbed, depleted or blocked, which can result in some symptoms of pain and illness.  During an Acupuncture treatment, ultra-fine, sterile needles are inserted into the skin at specific points, which correspond to organs, glands and other body structures. The treatment may stimulate the body’s own healing response and help restore its natural balance.

Some people use acupuncture for help with a specific symptom or condition. Others choose to have treatment to help maintain good health, as a preventive measure, or simply to improve their general sense of wellbeing. Because traditional acupuncture aims to treat the whole person rather than specific symptoms in isolation, it can be effective for a range of conditions. It can be safely used in pregnancy, including during the first trimester.

Cosmetic Acupuncture/Facial Rejuvenation

Cosmetic Acupuncture/Facial Rejuvenation, is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to more invasive treatments.  Needles are inserted into body and face points in order to increase blood flow and energy to the skin.  This has the effect of reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and can also improve skin tone and texture.  Facial massage, derma rolling and moxa are also used.

Cosmetic Acupuncture has little or no unwanted side effects.  You may feel a deep sense of relaxation following the treatment.

Important Information

In experienced hands Acupuncture is an extremely safe treatment; however, for your own safety you should tell your acupuncturist if you have ever had a fit or fainted, or if you have a heart pacemaker, damaged heart valves, if you are taking anti-coagulants or other medication. You should also tell the acupuncturist if you have cancer, lung disease, severe arterial disease or any kind of bleeding disorder.  Make sure that you also tell them about any other medication you are taking, including complementary medicines.

Acupuncture Practitioners

Deborah Green

Simon Harrison