Harumi Welford

Harumi offers Jikiden Reiki, which is renowned as the most authentic Reiki system available to the public today. Reiki is originally from Japan, is an energy healing method and supports peoples’ own healing process both physical, mental and emotional. 

Harumi is originally from Japan and has been practicing energy healing since childhood.

Harumi is experienced in treating clients with addiction issues and emotional well-being as well as other general areas of healing requirements. 

Harumi is a member of Jikiden Reiki UK Association https://www.jikidenreikiuk.com/ and her work is fully insured. 

Jikiden Reiki sessions with Harumi 

60min - £55

90min - £75 

Please call 07756698249 or message to shizenhealing@outlook.com 

For further information visit https://www.shizenholistic.com/