Jane Hunter

You may be seeking counselling for a particular problem e.g. depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, bereavement. Or you may not know exactly what is wrong. I provide a safe, confidential space in which we can explore your thoughts and feelings and try to make sense of what is causing you to feel the way that you do. 

The Psychodynamic Approach

A central idea is that our childhood experiences continue to shape our lives in adulthood, both in ways we can recognise but also in ways that we may not. One of its aims is to make more of our unconscious available to our conscious awareness. With greater understanding of ourselves we have more freedom over the choices we make and ultimately, can lead more fulfilling lives. Part of the therapeutic process involves facing up to challenging or uncomfortable thoughts and feelings but over time this can enable us to feel better equipped to manage our emotions rather than repressing them or feeling overwhelmed by them. 

How I work 

In an initial hour and a half appointment I will be interested in finding out what has led you to seek help. I will ask about your background, key relationships and your 

current life circumstances. We can then determine if this therapy is suitable for you. If you decide to go ahead we would then meet weekly. If I feel that you would benefit from a different therapy or service, I would make that recommendation. 

Qualifications and Experience

MSc Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy from Birkbeck University (distinction).

Dynamics Interpersonal Therapy Practitioner (DIT) Anna Freud Centre

I have several years of experience working in the NHS and private practice, offering time limited counselling and longer term psychotherapy.

I work with young and older adults and have experience working with people from a wide variety of ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. 

I am a registered member of the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) and abide by its ethical framework.


My standard fee is £60 per session and I hold a limited number of low cost places.

To book, please contact me directly on janemhunter@gmail.com or call 07834082385