Anna Mitchell

Restoring the health of your hair and scalp

As a qualified trichologist, Anna has specialist knowledge on the structure, function and health of scalp and hair. She also has over 25 years experience in the field of hair, achieving her certification in 2019 following a lifelong passion for hair and scalp health.

You can see Anna for the early signs of hair loss or thinning, or for advanced cases that have taken you to the brink. The same for scalp conditions that cause you discomfort, or are damaging your confidence. Intuitive and supportive, she is exactly the kind of person you want if you're struggling with a change in your appearance. Think of Anna as a detective, working alongside you to solve the mystery of your condition, and helping you reach the diagnosis you need to make a treatment plan and move on.

Anna is highly skilled and able to offer a range of solutions, both short- and long- term. This could look like a recommended product or ingredient, a diet or lifestyle shift, a referral to a dermatologist or GP, or an immediate treatment such as scalp treatments, topical hair loss solutions, wig cutting, scalp mesotherapy or scalp micropigmentation. 

Trichology is the scientific study of the structure, function and diseases of the human hair and scalp. It's a branch of dermatology, and like other scientific specialisms, trichology takes a holistic approach to treatment. 

To book, please email Anna directly on: or

call her on: 07587 279159


Initial Consultation: 60–90 minutes - £120.00

Follow-up Review: 45 minutes. - £60.00

Anna Mitchell CIT ITEC