Laura Bradshaw

My name is Laura Bradshaw. I am an integrative, relational psychotherapist working online, and in person in Central & North London and Hastings, East Sussex. 

I believe that every client is unique, and so I adapt my approach to suit the individual. I also believe in the value and healing power of providing a non-judgemental, empathic and accepting relationship - an experience of relationship that many individuals may not have had previously.

I currently have availability to take on clients for face-to-face sessions in Hastings on Mondays and Wednesdays, for morning / early afternoon appointments. 

Getting Started

Finding the right therapist, and sifting through online profiles, can be a daunting and overwhelming task. To get started I offer a free 10-15 initial consultation call, so we can get a sense of each other, and have a chat about why you are currently seeking therapy. To arrange this call please email me on or text/leave a voicemail on 07445 298 284.

If after our initial call you are interested in working together, the next step would be to meet for a 50-minute initial assessment, which would be a charged appointment. 

The initial assessment is an opportunity for us to discuss in more detail what you would like to work on in therapy. It is also a mutual assessment of whether we feel we can work together, and whether or not you feel I am the right therapist for you.

If we decide to continue working together after assessment, we will agree on a set number of contracted sessions (usually between 6 to 12), which will take place at the same time and location each week. After this our contract may become open-ended.

My approach

I am an integrative, relational therapist. Working integratively means that I draw upon a number of different approaches in my work with clients, depending on what each individual needs. The core of my training is person-centred. This means that I see the client as the expert of their own world, and that I believe they contain an inner ability to change and grow. My aim is to empower and motivate you to make the changes you wish to make in life.

I focus on creating a safe, empathic, non-judgemental space in which you feel heard and accepted, and therefore able to stay with and explore things, at a deeper level than you may have felt able to previously. I am also particularly influenced by psychoanalysis, self-psychology and attachment theory (all of which look at how our early experiences and relationships shape the adults we become).

Working relationally means that I will often be thinking about our relationship; that between therapist and client, and what is going on in the here-and-now. This way of working can shed light on the role relationships play in how we experience daily life, and help us to better understand patterns appearing in our thoughts, feelings and behaviour towards ourselves.

Training, qualifications and experience

* MA in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy - University of Roehampton.

* Registered Member of the BACP (British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy), and I abide by their ethical framework.

* Training in Adult ADHD and Anxiety

* Training in working with Shame 

* Training in how ADHD presents in women 

I have substantial experience working with neurodiversity. I have a unique understanding of ADHD/ASD spectrum disorders, with my own childhood & adult diagnoses of ADHD, and extensive experience in clinical practice working with ADHD/ASD/AUDHD adults.

Alongside my work as a therapist I am also a musician and writer, and have a special interest in working with creatives and those in the arts.

Based on my professional and clinical experience, I can offer support for the following issues:

ADHD, ASD, Relationship issues, boundaries, shame, anxiety, depression, addiction, low self-esteem, stress, family conflict, infidelity, disability, domestic violence, bereavement, loss of direction/purpose, sexual difficulties, intimacy issues.


I offer a free 10-15 minute phone consultation for any potential client. I then charge £70 for an initial assessment session, and £90 for all subsequent sessions.

For clients based in Hastings I charge £50 for an initial assessment session, and £70 for all subsequent sessions. 

All sessions are 50 minutes in length, and take place weekly at the same time.

If you are on a low-income or experiencing hardship, please mention this when getting in touch, as I have an allocated number of sliding-scale / concessionary rates available in my practice.