Jane Tilton

Kinesiologist & Aromatherapy

Kinesiology is a way of using the body’s own intelligence to find out what is required to bring about a state of healing. This could be by physical means, such as massage, reflexology, pressure points. It could be by emotional means, such as visualisation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, flower essences, essential oils. It could be by chemical means such as  nutritional supplements or rehydration. Whichever method is most appropriate to your situation, systematic Kinesiology offers a holistic approach.

Often used to help with food intolerances, Kinesiology is an ideal way to find out which supplements are best suited to each person.  A Kinesiology consultation can also be used to get to try and determine the root of long standing emotional and physical conditions including phobias, nightmares, mood swings and unexplained physical ailments.

Kinesiology with Reflexology

Is your body talking to you?

Perhaps you are not in communication; digestive disorders, bloating, weight gain or generally not feeling right?  Your body talks and Kinesiology is the translator.  Gentle muscle testing can determine what is required by your body, this is then translated in to a reflexology treatment.  Working on the areas that are needed to treat what is needed at that time.

Reflexology is non invasive, gentle but can have a profound effect on the systems of the body and by using Kinesiology to target individual needs each client will receive a unique treatment each time.

First appointment 1.5 hours: £80
Follow-on appointments 1 hour: £60
Book 4 in a row: £200 (payable in advance, no refunds on cancellations)
Supplements at cost price

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy means using the pure, essential oils of flowers, roots and leaves to promote harmony within the physical, emotional and spiritual body. Aromatherapist Jane use individual blends of essential oils, vegetable oils and base products to help facilitate relaxation. All the blends she administers are created in light of your feelings and wishes at the time of your visit. To ensure this a thorough, friendly, non-judgemental consultation is held before each treatment. When used carefully and under the guidance of a qualified professional, aromatherapy oils are safe for most children and adults

Prices: 1 1/2 hours - £80

Follow up 1 hour - £60

To find out more or book an appointment, contact Jane: 07958 482 089 Jane.tilton@talk21.com

Jane Tilton co-founded Bellenden Therapies, South London in 2006. She now works in London and Hastings – including leading Mindfulness walks in Hastings Country Parks.

She is a qualified reflexologist, aromatherapist, Reiki Master and kinesiologist of some 30  years’ experience. She trained for over 5 years to obtain a Diploma in Kinesiology.