Elissa Dell

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“In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between, there are doors.”
William Blake

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) has evolved from Cranial Osteopathy brought forth by the visionary William Sutherland at the beginning of the last century. 

As with many holistic therapies, CST has affinities with other ancient healing practices. The Visionary Approach to Craniosacral Work as introduced by Hugh Milne is to help create an open heart, a clear head and a free body. 

The approach to and experience of a session will vary from person to person. The work can address issues in whatever way the client wishes; whether it be for physical aches and pains, acute or chronic disease, emotional or psychological disturbances, or simply a desire to dig deep. The whole of our life history is held in our physical form. An integral part of this work is the clients’ developing awareness of how their story is held and how it unfolds. It is a subtle and profound healing form which assists the body’s natural intelligence.

I work at the Wellington Centre on Thursday Mornings.

A session lasts 1 hour. There will be time to talk as needed and work on the couch.

You will be fully clothed; the contact is gentle and does not involve manipulation. 

Fee for a session £60

I am a Craniosacral Therapist and was a senior tutor at the College of Craniosacral Therapy (CCST) in London for over 15 years. I also trained with Hugh Milne in The Visionary Approach to Craniosacral Therapy and assisted on his courses in Europe. 

I am an approved Supervisor for the Craniosacral Therapy Association and Milne Institute.

I am currently practising in London and East Sussex, teaching a Foundation in Embryology and developing post-graduate courses.

Contact me to book:

elissa.dell@posteo.net or call me on 07984 915530
